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Greatly Enrich One's Mind! LED Has Been Widely Used In Life

- Feb 22, 2018-

In recent years, the field of LED applications has been widening, from general lighting, display backlight to medical lighting, plant lighting, automotive lighting, and so on to other innovative applications, almost infiltrating into all aspects of people's clothing, food and shelter. Recently, the Japanese exhibitors in the CES 2018 LED false eyelashes once again refreshed the public eye.

In fact, there were many LED alternative applications such as LED skirts, LED shoes, and LED dishes. LEDinside editor has gathered some of the LED alternative applications today, and everyone will look at it.

Blinking, green and blind in your eyes! Japan has developed LED false eyelashes


ThinkGeek push LED star skirt, wearable LED technology and constellation diagram


In 2016, the US start-up company designed a "LED sneaker", which is known as the "tide shoe". It gives a new definition. It can not only change the appearance of shoes by bending the LED screen, but also make VR or AR games combined with wireless transmission and APP.


This creative LED ear nail is not only a decorative product, but also a safety warning. Because it's LED, so people can see you better on the road at night. This ear pin doesn't need a hole in the ear, either for an old man or a child. However, unlike the usual LED studs, it is worn on the back of the ears, so no earstuds can be seen from the front side. If you wear them, you can add some surprises and pleasures to you.


Foreign design website yankodesign shared a named "Light Dish" plate, the plate built-in LED light source and power settings, from the top of the plate sends flowery white, making food containers, looks more delicious.


Soothing nerve Japanese company invented the semitransparent LED lamp bathtub


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